DCI server is used for protein complex structure assessment. DCI-score is a new evaluation strategy for protein complex which only bases on distance map and CI (contact-interface) map, it can give a global assessment for complex structure, DCI-scores ranges from 0 to 1, the value is higher when the two structures are more similar.
Submitting Jobs:
This server requires two pdb files corresponding to ground truth and predicted model, note that two files are not inverted when input.
In addition, in order to make each chain of the two structures correspond correctly, predicted model chain order based on ground truth should be given at "Model Chain Order" (For example, if the order of each chain of the ground truth is "ABC", corresponding to the chain "DEF" of the predicted model, but the chain order in the input pdb file of the predicted model is not "DEF", then it is necessary to input DEF at the "model chain order" to give the correct chain correspondence), See "download_example" for a specific example of model chain order.
Job Output:
You will get a txt file with evaluation results. The Result file first shows some basic structure information such as the names of the two structures, the length of the ground truth (refer structure), the equivalent length of each chain. And then, it includes the three constituent subunits of DCI-score: inter-Fnat, intra-Fnat and difference value. Finally, in terms of the DCI-score results, we provide the results of the two calculation strategies in the result file. If you need to consider the loss of ground truth’s length due to the incomplete predicted structure, please choose the DCI(penalty) in the result file, otherwise, please choose the DCI(no penalty). The specific penalty value is shown at “penalty of structure-loss” in the result file.
DCI: An Accurate Quality Assessment Criteria for Protein Complex
Contact us:
If you have any questions during operation, you can contact us through wangwenda87@ruc.edu.cn.
The examples contain two pdb files, where file 7AC9.pdb" is the ground truth; file 7AC9_finetune.pdb is the predicted model.The order of the three chains in ground truth is "H L I", which should correspond to "D B C" in predicted model, respectively, while the 7AC9_finetune.pdb file is entered in the order "B C D", so you need to enter DBC at "Model Chain Order" to properly order the two structures.